
分类:剧情片剧情冒险剧情片 地区:其它 年份:2022 导演:莱泽克·道伊德 主演:大卫·奥格尼克玛雅·奥丝塔泽斯卡卢卡斯·辛拉特马尔桑·恰尼克彼得·格洛瓦茨基伊雷纽什·乔普托马什·萨普里克Maciej RaniszewskiMaciej Kulig 状态:正片

简介:  Maciej Berbeka makes the first winter ascent of Broad Peak in 1988, escaping death by inches. Andr
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剧情片《布洛阿特峰之巅》免费在线观看全集完整版   Maciej Berbeka makes the first winter ascent of Broad Peak in 1988, escaping death by inches. Andrzej Zawada, the expedition leader, announces a great success. Once they return to Poland, it turns out Maciej reached "only" the Rocky Summit, which is twenty-three metros lower than the actual peak located one hour away. Resentful of his friends' lies, Berbeka withdraws from mountaineering. Twenty- -four years later, he takes a call from Krzysztof Wielicki, who also participated in the first expedition. "We have to finish what we started," says Krzysztof as he persuades Maciej to join the next Broad Peak expedition. After a long hesitation, Maciej decides to try once again.


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